Tokenomics for CreatX
Smart Contract : 0x0D66a792C63b682fD3f6BbbBCDe8D3029F90e939
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
Max Wallet: 2% of the total supply (20,000,000 tokens)
Max Transaction: 2% of the total supply (20,000,000 tokens)
Tax: 5% on each transaction
Decimals: 9
Dexscreener :
Uniswap :
Key Components
Total Supply: The total number of CreatX tokens is fixed at 1,000,000,000. This ensures scarcity and can help in maintaining the token’s value over time.
Max Wallet: Each wallet can hold a maximum of 2% of the total supply, which is 20,000,000 tokens. This prevents whales from holding too many tokens and potentially manipulating the market.
Max Transaction: Each transaction is capped at 2% of the total supply, also 20,000,000 tokens. This helps in reducing the risk of large dumps that could negatively impact the token’s price.
Tax: A 5% tax on each transaction can be used for various purposes such as funding the project’s development, marketing, or adding to a liquidity pool. This tax can also help in reducing the circulating supply, potentially increasing the token’s value.
Decimals: Setting the decimals to 9 allows for precise transactions and micro-payments, which can be useful for various applications within your ecosystem.
Additional Considerations
Distribution: Plan how the tokens will be distributed initially. This could include allocations for the team, advisors, marketing, and community incentives.
Utility: Define the utility of the CreatX token within your ecosystem. This could include staking, governance, or access to specific features or services.
Vesting and Release: Implement vesting schedules for team and advisor tokens to ensure long-term commitment to the project.
Token Burns: Consider periodic token burns to reduce the total supply and potentially increase the token’s value over time.
Last updated